CU at FOA Berlin 2024

3-6 October 2024

Berlin, Germany

3-6 October 2024

Berlin, Germany

Dissolve the destructive vasanas and samskaras.

Awaken the positive propelling forces in your life.

Experience the awakening to pure Consciousness.

Prices & Registration

Get your ticket now

Secure your ticket for the most intense retreat you can attend. The ticket price is 1,680 USD.

The ticket includes

  • 4-day intensive course with Sri Preethaji

  • daily coffee breaks

  • daily lunch and drinks

  • 3 preparation calls

  • 28 follow-up calls

The event will be held in English. There will be simultaneous translation into many European languages. You will receive a headset on site. You can book the translation service for 130 USD when purchasing your ticket.

If you have any questions or issues, please feel free to contact us:

Your journey into Pure Consciousness

More than an ordinary retreat. More than a break from everyday life. More than a good atmosphere, wonderful experiences with nice people and new insights for your life.

Four days of profound transformation await you thanks to powerful mystical processes that will free you from old imprints. A varied program with meditations, Oneness Yoga sessions, Deeksha energy transmissions, spiritual lessons and more guarantees you four unforgettable days.

Sign up if you feel exhausted, if negative experiences from the past are controlling your everyday life – or if you want to bring about positive changes and act more constructively in your family and at work.

In the Field of Awakening you enter the level of Pure Consciousness – a state of stillness, clarity and presence, beyond the mind. In this state, stress ceases and problems become solvable as you make wiser decisions and realize your true potential.

Why this course is so effective

Unique consciousness technologies bring you into contact with your Higher Self. You connect with the Universal Intelligence and experience divine guidance. The transformation affects your physical and mental well-being, your relationships, and your prosperity.

On the one hand, this is made possible by intensive work on the lower chakras. The energy centers are freed from negative energies and brought into balance. On the other hand, there is a far-reaching karmic cleansing – the so-called Samskara Shuddhi. This involves deleting negative imprints from your system and activating positive ones.

This happens through extraordinary spiritual techniques. It is not the work of the conscious mind. It is not about beliefs, decisions, or any kind of psychological processes. The work takes place in the subtle layers.

4 days that change your life

Day 1

On Day 1, you will learn what it means to be truly conscious. You will realize how strongly your inner state influences your perception. You will immerse yourself intensively in the process of awareness. The regions of the brain required for awareness are activated, while the areas that cause you stress are calmed down. In addition, you will be shown the way to actively enter a state of awareness in every situation in life.

The focus of the day is on the experience of Universal Intelligence – the unitary fabric of consciousness that underlies everything. You can think of it as the Divine or as a field of unlimited possibilities.

The mind comes to rest.

Tag 1

An Tag 2 geht es um die Auflösung des zwanghaften und destruktiven Begehrens, das aus Angst und Unsicherheit entsteht. Du überwindest Deine Selbstzentrierung – den Zustand des Getrenntseins, in dem sich alles nur um Dich dreht und aus dem heraus Du nicht weise handeln kannst.

Der Fokus des Tages liegt auf dem Mooladhara Chakra. In einem gereinigten und aktivierten Zustand sorgt das Wurzelchakra für Stabilität in Deinen Finanzen, Beziehungen und Deiner Karriere. Es erdet Dich und stärkt Dein Gefühl von Sicherheit und Zugehörigkeit.

Das reine Bewusstsein erwacht.

Tag 1

Tag 1 vermittelt Dir, was es bedeutet, bewusst zu sein. Du realisierst, wie stark Dein innerer Zustand Deine Wahrnehmung beeinflusst. Du tauchst intensiv ein in den Prozess des Gewahrseins. Die dafür erforderlichen Gehirnregionen werden aktiviert, während die Bereiche, die Dich in Stress versetzen, zur Ruhe gebracht werden. Darüber hinaus bekommst Du den Weg gezeigt, wie Du Dich in jeder Lebenslage aktiv in einen Zustand des Gewahrseins begeben kannst.

Der Fokus des Tages liegt auf einer Erfahrung der universellen Intelligenz – dem einheitlichen Geflecht des Bewusstseins, das allem zugrunde liegt. Du kannst es als das Göttliche betrachten oder auch als Feld der unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten.

Der Verstand kommt zur Ruhe.

Tag 1

Tag 1 vermittelt Dir, was es bedeutet, bewusst zu sein. Du realisierst, wie stark Dein innerer Zustand Deine Wahrnehmung beeinflusst. Du tauchst intensiv ein in den Prozess des Gewahrseins. Die dafür erforderlichen Gehirnregionen werden aktiviert, während die Bereiche, die Dich in Stress versetzen, zur Ruhe gebracht werden. Darüber hinaus bekommst Du den Weg gezeigt, wie Du Dich in jeder Lebenslage aktiv in einen Zustand des Gewahrseins begeben kannst.

Der Fokus des Tages liegt auf einer Erfahrung der universellen Intelligenz – dem einheitlichen Geflecht des Bewusstseins, das allem zugrunde liegt. Du kannst es als das Göttliche betrachten oder auch als Feld der unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten.

Der Verstand kommt zur Ruhe.

Day 2

Day 2 is about dissolving the compulsive, hurtful and destructive desires that arise from fear and insecurity. You will overcome your self-centeredness – the state of separation in which everything revolves around you and from which you cannot act wisely.

The focus of the day is on the Mooladhara chakra. In a cleansed and activated state, the root chakra provides stability in your finances, relationships, and career. It grounds you and strengthens your sense of security and belonging.

You awaken to Pure Consciousness.

Day 3

Day 3 is all about freeing yourself from your physical, emotional, and mental addictions. This includes food and substances of all kinds, but also all kinds of experiences, thoughts and feelings. Everything that you can’t get enough of and that dictates your behavior.

The focus of the day is on the Svadishtana chakra. In a purified and activated state, the sacral chakra brings you joy in everything you are, do, and experience. You become creative and attract precisely those things and circumstances that make life beautiful in a healthy way.

You experience Pure Consciousness.

Day 4

Day 4 will be devoted to the longing and desire for significance, recognition, influence and control. Driven by this, you are unable to find your actual place in life. It robs you of the power to bring about lasting change and to consistently achieve your goals.

The focus of the day is on the Manipura Chakra. In a cleansed and activated state, the navel chakra gives you the determination to overcome challenges. Your self-confidence blossoms. Your inner strength comes into its own.

You integrate the Pure Consciousness.

Daily schedule

Throughout the retreat, you’ll be guided by the wisdom and loving presence of Sri Preethaji. Each day follows a carefully curated schedule that includes:

8:00-8:45 am
Oneness Yoga & pranayama
8:45-9:30 am
9:30-10:30 am
Meditation time with Sri Preethaji
10:30-11:00 am
Tea break
11:00 am-1:00 pm
Teaching from Sri Preethaji, Q&A and contemplation
Lunch break
Oneness Yoga stretch
3:15-4:15 pm
4:15-6:00 pm
Mystic process for Samskara Shuddhi with Sri Preethaji
6:00-6:30 pm
6:30-7:30 pm
Deeksha from Sri Preethaji
7:30-8:00 pm

Every day begins at 8:00 am in the morning and ends between 7:00 and 8:00 pm in the evening. On day 4, the course ends around 5:00 pm.

4 day that change your life

4 day that change your life

Throughout the retreat, you’ll be guided by the wisdom and loving presence of Sri Preethaji. Each day follows a carefully curated schedule that includes:

8:00-8:45 am
Oneness Yoga & pranayama
8:45-9:30 am
9:30-10:30 am
Meditation time with Sri Preethaji
10:30-11:00 am
Tea break
11:00 am-1:00 pm
Teaching from Sri Preethaji, Q&A and contemplation
Lunch break
Oneness Yoga stretch
3:15-4:15 pm
4:15-6:00 pm
Mystic process for Samskara Shuddhi with Sri Preethaji
6:00-6:30 pm
6:30-7:30 pm
Deeksha from Sri Preethaji
7:30-8:00 pm

Every day begins at 8:00 am in the morning and ends between 7:00 and 8:00 pm in the evening. On day 4, the course ends around 5:00 pm.

Tag 1

Tag 1 vermittelt Dir, was es bedeutet, bewusst zu sein. Du realisierst, wie stark Dein innerer Zustand Deine Wahrnehmung beeinflusst. Du tauchst intensiv ein in den Prozess des Gewahrseins. Die dafür erforderlichen Gehirnregionen werden aktiviert, während die Bereiche, die Dich in Stress versetzen, zur Ruhe gebracht werden. Darüber hinaus bekommst Du den Weg gezeigt, wie Du Dich in jeder Lebenslage aktiv in einen Zustand des Gewahrseins begeben kannst.

Der Fokus des Tages liegt auf einer Erfahrung der universellen Intelligenz – dem einheitlichen Geflecht des Bewusstseins, das allem zugrunde liegt. Du kannst es als das Göttliche betrachten oder auch als Feld der unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten.

Der Verstand kommt zur Ruhe.

Day 1

On Day 1, you will learn what it means to be truly conscious. You will realize how strongly your inner state influences your perception. You will immerse yourself intensively in the process of awareness. The regions of the brain required for awareness are activated, while the areas that cause you stress are calmed down. In addition, you will be shown the way to actively enter a state of awareness in every situation in life.

The focus of the day is on the experience of Universal Intelligence – the unitary fabric of consciousness that underlies everything. You can think of it as the Divine or as a field of unlimited possibilities.

The mind comes to rest.

Day 3

Day 3 is all about freeing yourself from your physical, emotional, and mental addictions. This includes food and substances of all kinds, but also all kinds of experiences, thoughts and feelings. Everything that you can’t get enough of and that dictates your behavior.

The focus of the day is on the Svadishtana chakra. In a purified and activated state, the sacral chakra brings you joy in everything you are, do, and experience. You become creative and attract precisely those things and circumstances that make life beautiful in a healthy way.

You experience Pure Consciousness.

Day 2

Day 2 is about dissolving the compulsive, hurtful and destructive desires that arise from fear and insecurity. You will overcome your self-centeredness – the state of separation in which everything revolves around you and from which you cannot act wisely.

The focus of the day is on the Mooladhara chakra. In a cleansed and activated state, the root chakra provides stability in your finances, relationships, and career. It grounds you and strengthens your sense of security and belonging.

You awaken to Pure Consciousness.

Day 4

Day 4 will be devoted to the longing and desire for significance, recognition, influence and control. Driven by this, you are unable to find your actual place in life. It robs you of the power to bring about lasting change and to consistently achieve your goals.

The focus of the day is on the Manipura Chakra. In a cleansed and activated state, the navel chakra gives you the determination to overcome challenges. Your self-confidence blossoms. Your inner strength comes into its own.

You integrate the Pure Consciousness.

Tag 2

An Tag 2 geht es um die Auflösung des zwanghaften und destruktiven Begehrens, das aus Angst und Unsicherheit entsteht. Du überwindest Deine Selbstzentrierung – den Zustand des Getrenntseins, in dem sich alles nur um Dich dreht und aus dem heraus Du nicht weise handeln kannst.

Der Fokus des Tages liegt auf dem Mooladhara Chakra. In einem gereinigten und aktivierten Zustand sorgt das Wurzelchakra für Stabilität in Deinen Finanzen, Beziehungen und Deiner Karriere. Es erdet Dich und stärkt Dein Gefühl von Sicherheit und Zugehörigkeit.

Das reine Bewusstsein erwacht.

Tag 3

Tag 3 dreht sich um die Befreiung von Deinen physischen, emotionalen und mentalen Abhängigkeiten. Dazu zählen Lebensmittel und Substanzen jeglicher Art, aber auch Erlebnisse, Gedanken, Gefühle. Alles, von dem Du nicht genug bekommen kannst und was Dein Verhalten bestimmt.

Der Fokus des Tages liegt auf dem Svadishthana Chakra. In einem gereinigten und aktivierten Zustand beschert Dir das Sakralchakra Freude an allem, was Du bist, tust und erlebst. Du wirst kreativ und ziehst genau die Dinge und Umstände an, die das Leben auf gesunde Weise schön machen.

Das reine Bewusstsein wird erlebbar.

Tag 4

Tag 4 widmet sich der Sehnsucht und dem schmerzhaften Verlangen nach Bedeutung, Einfluss und Anerkennung. Davon getrieben, bist Du nicht in der Lage, Deinen Platz im Leben zu finden. Es raubt Dir die Kraft, nachhaltige Veränderung zu bewirken und Deine Ziele zu erreichen.

Der Fokus des Tages liegt auf dem Manipura Chakra. In einem gereinigten und aktivierten Zustand verleiht Dir das Nabelchakra die Entschlossenheit, Deine Herausforderungen zu meistern. Dein Selbstbewusstsein blüht auf. Deine innere Stärke kommt voll zur Geltung.

Das reine Bewusstsein verankert sich.


Marriott Hotel Berlin

Berlin Marriott Hotel

Field of Awakening takes place in the grand ballroom of the exclusive Marriott Hotel in the heart of Berlin. The hall impresses with its stylish ambience and cozy foyer and is equipped with modern technology. An elegant space that turns into a powerful field.

Secure your room directly at the Marriott

For an incomparable course experience, we recommend booking a room directly at the Marriott. Use the details below to reserve your room at a discounted special rate for FOA participants: Book your room here.

Travel planning

To help you plan your trip, we have put together a travel guide with tips on how to get there, hotels nearby and more: travel guide

Start looking forward to this wonderful event now

Start looking forward to this wonderful event now